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Media Future Week | December 28, 2024

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Strategic Designer Scott Smith returns for MFW15!

Strategic Designer Scott Smith returns for MFW15!

We are proud to present one of the first keynote speakers of MFW15: Scott Smith! Scott is the founder of Changeist, a lab, research tank and studio created to identify and make sense of weak signals of change. His work is built on over 20 years of experience in tracking social, cultural, technological and economic trends, and helping organizations like UNICEF, Nokia, Ford, Honda,  Target, Cisco, BT and NASA navigate complex futures.. He has led field research and workshops in China, Japan, India, Turkey, Poland, Mexico, and across Western Europe and North America.

Scott was a keynote coach at the MFW13 and MFW14. We loved his speaches on ‘flatpack futures’ and ‘creativity vs robots’ so we asked him to come back for MFW15. This years, Scott’s speech will incorporate the theme of MFW15: Designing for Society.

More information about Scott Smith and his organization Changeist? Take a look at his website, twitter or linked in account. You can find his bio at the speakers page. Or watch the video of his speech last year: