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Media Future Week | March 12, 2025

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Day 2


After having a hard day of work yesterday, the students went to the hotel for a good night sleep. Waking up, there was a nice breakfast ready for them with a cup of coffee for the road. Entering the busy traffic of Hilversum the students arrived on time at the Hilversum Media Park for a new day of empowering keynotes and hard work in the co-creation teams.


The workday started off with two great speakers: Scott Smith and Madeline Ashby. Scott Smith joined us this year for already the fifth time on the Media Future Week, now talking about the subject of Post-Truth Journalism. He talked about how much of our personal information is shared with corporations, that now know more about our personalities than we do ourselves. He describes this phenomenon as dark patterns.

Madeline Ashby is a science fiction writer who uses fiction to describe what the future is going to bring. She wrote for companies about a vision off what the future might entail. She states that we as creative group have the great obligation to create truths. She left the stage with the quote: ‘’Abracadabra; what I speak I create’’.

Co-creation time

After an enervating morning, the students went back to the Mediacentre to continue working on their project. In difference to yesterday, Scott Smith and Madeline Ashby took the time to go to all the teams and helped them out with any questions they had about their projects. And of course because it’s been a great day with the weather, some co-creation teams decided to find their creativity outside.


With great weather, the Dutch are always on the front to fire up the barbecue. So did we! Between 18:00 and 19:00 we all went outside to enjoy the variety of food being served from the barbecue. But of course to all good meals comes an end, so the students went inside to continue their projects.

For photo’s of day 2 check here and for the video click here