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Media Future Week | March 12, 2025

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MFW16 Day 2

25922119923_a8e66ce200_zMorning Keynote – Nell Watson
Day 2 began with a talk from Nell Watson, engineer, futurist, and founder, that raised more questions than it answered; hard questions around the ethics and values of machine intelligence and how they will live with us in society. Questions she believes will need to be answered in our lifetime.
You can view the talk in its entirety here

Co-Creation with Professionals
The students will have a total of 10 hours today focused solely on co-creation. During this time they will get visits from a ‘concept dialoguer’ to help them put into words what exactly their concept is. This will be vital for the Dragon’s Den presentations later in the day. The teams also had the case-partners stop by and eaves-drop on their ideas, adding pressure to an already intense day.

Dragon’s Den Judging Panel
The Dragon’s Den is a high pressure presentation to a panel of media experts. Each team selects one member to go in front of the panel and for 3 minutes and present both the problem and their innovative solution. The panel then gives the team a thumbs up or a thumbs down and provides feedback.

Evening Keynote – Jon Alexander26255221360_314eaef47f_z
Jon Alexander is the director of the New Citizenship Project, and is facinated by this transition from a consumer society to what he believes will be a society of citizens. The primary difference being the motivations for which we do things. He opened his talk with a quote that all of the participants solving interesting problems this week can use:

If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution. -Albert Einstein

You can view the talk in its entirety here

The teams had a lot to reflect on today, decisions of whether or not to pivot based on the Dragon’s Den feedback were discussed with drinks in hand.

You can find a day 2 recap video here.

You can find all photo’s of Day 2 in this Flickr Album.

Storify report