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Media Future Week | February 7, 2025

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Day 2 report #MFW14

Day 2 report #MFW14

Day two
Check out the Flickr photos of day two here:

Waking up the second day of the Media Future Week is always a weird feeling, new hotel, a lot of new experiences and even more possibility rushes. The participants slept in different hotels around the city, but had one thing in common: a great breakfast. Because a good start is half the battle! Tuesday is the day of two great speakers and ofcourse the Dragon’s den, that can make or break your idea.

Scott Smith
We might changed our location, but we took all the good things with us to Hilversum. Scott Smith is one of those things, well person, speaker. As one of the three keynote speakers he is a perfect way to start your day. His talk was mainly about algorithms and how they could replace a lot of things people are now doing, from journalism to art. Based on human activities algortihms can create a lot of things we now create. Leaving us with the question: “What is creativity in a future defined by computation?”

Scott Smith (Futurist) MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

Eric Smit
After a session of hard co-creation and a nice lunch in the lobby of Beeld en Geluid it was up to Eric Smit to inspire us. His talk was about investigative journalism and indirectly proven some context to the presentation of Scott Smith. Because no algorithm can do what investigative journalism does. However, they both stated news papers are losing ground, but also new formats are coming in to replace them. He named initiatives like ‘De Correspondent’, ‘Blendle’ and of course ‘Follow The Money’ which is a platform for mainly investigative journalism. His talk gave us some great insights and showed us why journalism isn’t dying, it is rather just changing.

Eric Smit (Follow the Money) MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

After the lecture of Eric Smit there was a panel discussion about the funding of investigative journalism. This discussion took place in Dutch with panellists Eric Smit, Jan Jaap Heij, Peter Olsthoorn, Kees van den Bosch, Monique Busman en Piet Bakker. A report of this discussion has been published on the iMMovator website: Welke verdienmodellen voor onderzoeksjournalistiek hebben de toekomst?

Verdienmodellen voor onderzoeksjournalistiek MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

Dragon’s den
The teams have already put hours of work in their ideas, so today it was time to put their ideas to the test. We threw them for the lions, well in this case dragons. The dragons were: Seth Shapiro, Maaike Rijnders, Mark Deuze and Job Vogel. And they did not take their job lightly. Some pretty good, but also harsh, criticism was given. Making the teams maybe re-think their ideas or if they are on a good path, push it even more in the good direction. At the end the teams knew what they were up to the two remaining days. Criticism is not always the thing you want to hear, but it’s most of the time something you need to hear.

Pop-up Lab
What yesterday was an empty corner in the lounge area, was now turned into a pop-up lab. After Eric Smit’s presentation it looked liked they 3D-printed a whole new corner, and they could have because of the stuff there was now. The corner now contains a lasercutter, two 3D-printers and a vinyl cutter for cutting vinylsticker sheets. The pop-up lab is meant for the groups to make prototypes, enjoy innovative stuff and see all the possibilities that these new machines offer. Two enthousiastic workers of Fablab were available most of the day to help the teams around.

Today there was a lot of tweeting, photoing and all kinds of published stuff. We still are tweeting a lot of things about #MFW14 and photos are getting uploaded several times a day. We also got some slideshows from speakers online and a nice short video about the flashmob organised to get some energy to the groups at the end of the day.

Tuesday team energizer MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.