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Media Future Week | February 7, 2025

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Practical Information about #MFW14

Practical Information about #MFW14

Here you can find information about MFW14: the location, hotels, luggage, routes, Gibbon, elections and what you should not forget to bring!

We would like to welcome all fulltime participants on Monday May 19th from 9:00AM in the Institute for Sound & Vision (Beeld & Geluid) at the Media Park in Hilversum (sumatralaan 45 Hilversum) for registration and the delivery of your luggage. The program starts at 10.00AM sharp. Your luggage will be stored in a secured space till we move to our hotels, which will be around 21.30PM.

The Media Future Week is an all-inclusive program and starts Monday May 19th at 10:00AM and ends on Thursday May 22nd at 17.00PM with drinks. The program consists of inspiring lectures, master classes and high energy co-creation sessions. You can see the program here and read more about the speakers here. Prepare yourself for an intense, inspiring and fun week. Kiss your boy-/girlfriend goodbye and hand over a loving note to your parents as you’ll be time travelling for four days! Don’t be surprised if it is not until after the final presentations on May 22nd that you’ll be in touch with the rest of the world again.

Check in
During MFW14 you sleep at Bastion Hotel Bussum-Hilversum, Tulip Inn Hilversum and Hotel Ravel. Tulip Inn is within walking distance of the Media Park. The Bastion Hotel is easy to reach by train (Station Bussum Zuid – only one stop away from the Media Park). Hotel Ravel is in the city centre and is also easy to reach by train (Station Hilversum + a 10 minutes’ walk). You will share a hotel room with another participant of your choice. Registration for the hotel rooms will take place on Monday.

Check out
Thursday, May 22 you should check out between 07.00AM and 08.30AM at the hotel. Do this in time, because the program starts at 9:00AM sharp, just like it does on any other day. You can leave your luggage again at the registration desk.

Accessibility Media Park
MFW will take place in the Institute for Sound & Vision (or the presentations) and Studio 3 and 4 (Co-creation) at the Media Park. The Media Park is located next to Station Hilversum Media Park so it will be very easy to reach by public transport. Parking spots (not free, we advise you to travel by train) are available next to the Institute of Sound and Vision or at ‘Parkeerdek A’.

MFW has a coorperaton with Gibbon – a community of people that want to learn from each other by collecting and sharing the knowledge from the web. In Gibbon (which is founded by a MFW Alumnus!) we’ve created a flow of articles and videos about Media Responsibility (the central theme of MFW14) that are interesting for you to read. During Media Future Week, other flows will be added with content suggested by speakers and relevant content for your cases. So join Gibbon to get the most out of MFW!

European Elections
Don’t forget: Thursday May 22nd European Elections are scheduled in the Netherlands. There is a polling station at the Institute of Sound & Vision, but you need to get a ‘kiezerspas’ so that you can vote in another municipality than where you normally live. Or, authorize your (girl/boy)friend, parents or roommate to vote for you. You can find more information about the elections and where to vote here.

The lectures of Media Future Week will be streamed at the website. Inform your friends, co-workers, lecturers and fellow students about the Media Future Week program and advise them to view the livestream They might spot you in the audience… Or on stage! Thursday afternoon the teams will present their case solutions, so they can see you in action (if you are the person representing your team).

The Media Future Week team has created an app with the full program of Media Future Week. With this app, you can also get in touch with the other MFW participants. Stay up to date and start networking!

Don’t forget to bring:
– Your passport or identity card for your check in
– Student OV chipkaart
– Laptop + charger;
– Phone + charger;
– If you have photo/video camera, take it with you if you like;
– If you have a graphics tablet (Wacom or similar), take it with you if you like;

Make sure you’ll mark your valuable belongings, it’s going to be crowded.

You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you have any questions please email us at or tweet to @mediafutureweek. If you want to tweet about the week you can use the hashtag #mfw14!

We look forward seeing you!

Yours sincerely,

The Media Future Week team,