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Media Future Week | February 7, 2025

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Day 3 report #MFW14

Day 3 report #MFW14

Day three
Check out the Flickr photos of day three here:

Tired faces having breakfast this morning, long workdays and short nights are taking the toll on some of the people. We know the third day is considered the hardest day of the week, so we arranged Seth Shapiro to open the day and get all the minds sharpened up. After his keynote all the teams went back cocreating in order to get everything done before tomorrows presentations. Before lunch two short presentations gave some food for though and already getting the right mindset for the remainder of the day, containing business modeling, visualising and prototyping workshops. Just one more day to go!

Seth Shapiro
When someone does a great job, you invite him again, and again, and again. Seth Shapiro keeps on doing a great job at every Media Future Week. Starting with a positive message for most of the people joining his presentation: “It’s the best time now to be in the media business.” This is mostly because of the moment we live in, the time of the big changes. He gave the participants some good insights about media, where it was, where it’s going and what’s not going to work anymore. So the teams could look at their concepts with a different kind of perspective. Most of the things he said were pretty quotable, not being this cliche, but just because they make a lot of sense and need to be rememberred.

After his keynote Seth joined the teams in the co-creation place and had a talk with every team about their case. Dragons’ den jurymember, keynote speaker and coach, we were glad to have Seth Shapiro at the Media Future Week.

Seth Shapiro MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

Danny Menken /Eveline van der Steen
The pre-lunch presentations today were from Danny Menken and Eveline van der Steen. Danny is working for Infostrada and talked mainly about the things they do with and their future plans inside the company. Now we have a second screen at home, but what if you have a second screen during a sportsmatch… while being in the stadium? He showed Infostrada is a big player worldwide and that they keep on being relevant because they still innovate their services. Next speaker was Eveline van der Steen with her presentation titled: ‘Explorer of the New.’ And that is exactly what she was talking about, about using new technology and be innovative in order to stay ahead of the rest. She showed us some possibilities she used in the past when using new technology and showing us that you should really give new technology a chance. Everything can be useful, as long as you use it the right way.

iMMovator has published a Dutch language report on these lectures: Sprekers uit de sport en muziek business

Eveline van der Steen (Armada Music) MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

Danny Menken (Infostrada Sports Group) MFW14 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

We invited sketchnote artists to the event to do some visualising. One of them even visualised most of the speakers and the results of that will be online later this week. The others are helping the teams out, getting their ideas visualised so instead of talking endlessly about it, a short drawing should explain it better, faster and nicer.

Business modeling, Prototyping
For the teams to make a complete product there is more than just a concept. That’s why there were workshops today were the teams learned how to make good business models with the help of business model canvas. The people from FabLab in the pop-up lab showed the teams how to make some fancy prototype to impress the crowd during the presentations.

Did we mention we have this popular hashtag on twitter? #MFW14!  So keep the tweets coming in our check out what others have to say about the event. And of course watch the photoalbum from day 2 on Facebook or Flickr! Today we uploaded presentations that were recorded. You can find Scott Smith, Brad Templeton and Eric Smit on Vimeo. Or just rewatch the slideshows.